RFT Reviews: Monday Nights (NAVAR & Jonathan Hape)

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Monday Nights (NAVAR & Jonathan Hape)

I ventured down to Little Brothers' tonight to see Jonathan Hape and NAVAR. This is a show I have been trying to help promote and so of course I myself am going to make the trip.

It's always rather interesting promoting a show that you go to, because it's not like you can just enjoy the show for the sake of going to a show. There are expectations involved. I don't think, until you do it full-time and thus experience the corresponding disconnect, you can really take in a show you have been promoting.

I found myself looking at the door a lot.

Regardless, Jonathan never disappoints. His supporting cast can change and for the most part lacks charisma, but Rob, the drummer, and Jonathan certainly make up for it. A good amount of energy in this show considering the rather sparse crowd. If Jonathan is ever desparate enough to quote me, I will provide a quote of praise:

Jonathan Hape successfully combines emotional intensity with a deceptively laid-back 90's-laden indie rock sound, complemented with infectious and haunting melodies.

There were definitely some interesting problems with the audio. From a strictly logistical standpoint, it was a typical, mildly disastrous set.

NAVAR was what I mostly expected: polished, inoffensive, and forgettable. I was hoping they would pull a rabbit out of their hat. After all, they had been able to tour the east, leaving a fair amount of positive press in their wake. No rabbit.

Between songs they did what can best be described as an impression of the "Sunscreen" song. Talking slightly rhythmically with percussive backing. The content was comparable to what you would hear an uninformed, uppity liberal talk about very loudly outside a coffeeshop. Yawn.

Final verdict: Jonathan Hape 12, NAVAR, 0.


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